Patient Information
Initial Consultation
Your first visit focuses on Dr. Schnitman's personal examination of your dental condition, his developing an understanding of your goals, and his describing for you using models and photgraphs the different treatment options he feels may be of benefit to you.
Complete Diagnostic Workup
Should you wish to continue with Dr. Schnitman he will personally complete a comprehensive diagnostic work-up for you. Because this visit sets the foundation for your care and covers so much, we schedule a full two and one half hours just for you.
Dr. Schnitman literally gets a detailed picture of your teeth as they are today. He takes photographs and x-rays, measures the stability of your teeth and examines in detail your entire mouth, tooth by tooth, including your gums and other soft tissues to get a complete picture of your oral health. He takes impressions of your upper and lower teeth which he mounts on an instrument called an articulator so he can study in detail your bone structure and how your teeth come together and move over each other not only from the front but also from your throat side.
Your Treatment Plan
After Dr. Schnitman has studied and analysed the material from you diagnotic work-up he will sit down with you one-to-one, to discuss in detail your treatment alternatives. He will make recommendations for alternative treatments in at least three cost ranges which he believes would benefit you. With the knowledge gained from this discussion, together you and Dr. Schnitman will develop a comprehensive treatment plan specifically designed for you.
Which treatments you choose and how fast you want your treatment plan to progress is up to you. Dr. Schnitman is happy to discuss all of this with you and help you make decisions that best fit your needs. At this time, if you wish, we also will share with you payment options. When you are ready, we will schedule appointments at your convenience and answer any questions.
Payment Options
For your convenience at Schnitman Implant Dentistry located in the Boston, MA area, we accept cash, personal checks, money orders and major credit cards. Payment is expected at the time services are performed. When more extensive dental care is necessary, financial arrangements can be made with our office.

Implant Dentist in Boston
Paul A. Schnitman, DDS, MSD
290 Baker Avenue Extension, Suite S-104
Concord, MA 01742
Phone: (781) 235-9988