Old Welcome Backup Aug 15 2008

Boston Dental Implants - World Class Smiles

"A Pioneer in Implant Dentistry" 

Knowledge - Skill - Experience

Dr. Schnitman of Boston, Massachusetts is a pioneer in implant dentistry, having developed several techniques used worldwide, which have changed the way implant dentistry is practiced.  

Below are just a few of Dr. Schnitman's amazing transformations.

 Boston Dental Implant Patient

 Boston Dental Implant Patient

Vanessa (center), a 22 year old college student never got her upper left, pre-molar tooth and was petrified of implant surgery. We placed an implant and tooth using "Teeth in an Hour", computer guided surgery. Here she is with our office assistants, Donna (left) and Amy (right), immediately after the insertion of her implant.  

 Boston Dental Implant Patient

Boston Dental Implant Patient 

Ed was losing all of his upper teeth and had problems with epinephrine which is normally administered during lengthy dental surgery. Ed had his entire upper jaw replaced with implants and teeth using "Teeth in an Hour" computer guided surgery. Here he is with his wife immediately after his implant was placed. 

Click here to view more before and after photos


Breaking News!

Click below on key words for more information

Eliminate grafting 

unique upper jaw implant treatment developed by Dr. Schnitman.

Immediate insertion of teeth at implant Surgery 

Dr. Schnitman was the first dentist to perform this procedure.

Computer Guided Implant Dentistry 

"Teeth in an Hour" As seen on Good Morning America.

  Less Pain, Less Swelling,
no sutures

As presented by Dr. Schnitman to the worlds foremost dental implant organization of dental specialists.

Nobel BioCare


Paul A. Schnitman, DDS, MSD
Dental Implants Boston
Wellesley Hills Medical Center
422 Worcester Street, Suite 202   
Wellesley, MA 02481
(781) 235-9988

Contact Us.We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Please call our office or use the quick contact form.

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