1. Schnitman, Paul A.; Vasilic, Momo, Sullivan, Richard .M. A New Milled Titanium Frame Design Simplifying the Profile Prosthesis- A Solution for the resorbed edentulous Maxilla.- in preparation.
2. Schnitman, Paul A.; Hwang, Jae W.. The Use of Objective Clinical Criteria to Determine When to Immediately Load, Expose, or Submerge Implants- in preparation.
3. Park E-J, Schrott A, Schnitman, PA :Combined Implant Surgical and Prosthodontic Training for Prosthodontic and Periodontic Posdoctoal Students Respectively. Journal of Prosthodontics.- in preparation.
4. Yoshida A ,Schnitman, PA. A New Radiographic Template for use in Computer Guided Surgery for Partial Edentulism.- in preparation.
5. Schnitman, PA: Computer Guided Implant Dentistry- Journal of the Massachusetts Dental Society: Fall 2007
6. Schnitman, Paul A.; Vasilic, Momo, Sullivan, Richard .M. A New Technique to Provide an Immediately Loaded Full Maxillary Provisional Profile Prosthesis using Computer Guided Surgery. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration 2007, March 9; San Antonio, Texas
7. Schnitman, Paul A.; Vasilic, Momo, Sullivan, Richard .M. A New Milled Titanium Frame Design Simplifying the Profile Prosthesis- A Solution for the resorbed edentulous Maxilla- Proceedings of the 21th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration 2006, March 17; Seattle, Washington
8. Schnitman, Paul A.; Hwang, Jae W.. Should I Immediately Load, Expose, or Submerge? - A Predictable Protocol for Success, , Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration 2005, March 11; Orlando, Florida
9. Schnitman, PA, Hwang, J, Salcedo J, Weber, HP. A New Method to Assess Potential for Immediately Loading Implants In Partial Edentulism, Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration 2004, March 19; San Francisco, CA.
10. Schnitman, PA, Hwang, J, Salcedo J, Weber, HP. Outcome Predictors For Immediately Loaded Implants in Partially Edentulous Subjects, Proceedings of the IADR/AADR/CADR 82nd General Session, March 10-13, 2004; Honolulu, HA
11. Schnitman, PA, Hwang, J, Weber, HP. Predictors of Immediately Loaded Implant Outcome. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration 2003, February 27-March 1; Boston, MA
12. Hwang, J, Weber, HP, Schnitman, PA. Immediate Loading for Partial Tooth Replacement in the Anterior Mandible. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration 2002, March 14-16; Dallas, Texas, page 54.
13. Schnitman, PA. Immediate Loading: Where are we now? Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration 2002, March 14-16; Dallas, Texas. page 35.
14. Schnitman P. Attending AO Annual Meeting can be career turning point for students. Academy News, Academy of Osseointegration 2002; Vol. 13 (1): 9.
15. Tantraphol, M., Schnitman, PA. Abutment selection in implant-supported fixed cases using Brånemark implant systems. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration 2001, March 22-24; Toronto, Canada.
16. Park, SE, Schnitman, PA. Angulation Correction through abutment selection using the new ITI Synocta Implant System. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration 2001, March 22-24; Toronto, Canada.
17. Magtoto, M., Schnitman, PA. Chairside fabrication of a scan and surgical template for edentulous jaws. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration 2001, March 22-24; Toronto, Canada.
18. Kremmydas, J., Schnitman, PA. A simple technique for patient positioning during interactive computed tomography scanning. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration 2001, March 22-24; Toronto, Canada.
19. Schnitman, P.A. Prognostic Technologies as predictors of immediately loaded implant outcome: Preliminary Findings, Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration 2001, March 22-24; Toronto, Canada.
20. Schnitman, P.A. Immediate Loading: When, where and how. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration. 2000, March 9-11, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
21. Schnitman P, The profile prosthesis: an aesthetic fixed implant-supported restoration for the resorbed maxilla. Practical Periodontics and Aesthetic Dentistry 1999;12(1):143-151.
22. Schnitman P. Implant dentistry: a period of refinement. 1997 Coverage, Spring/Summer: 13-17.
23. Schnitman P, Wöhrle P, Rubenstein J, DaSilva J, Wang N, Ten-year results for branemark implants immediately loaded with fixed prostheses at implant placement. The International Journal Of Oral And Maxillofacial Implants 1997;12(4):39-46.
24. Schnitman P. Implant dentistry: where are we now? Journal of the American Dental Association 1993;124(4):38-47.
25. Schnitman P. Implant Dentistry: Will it become the ninth recognized specialty? The New York State Dental Journal, May, 1993.
26. Schnitman P, DaSilva J, Wöhrle P,Wang H, Koch G. Influence of site on implant survival: seven year results. The International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 1993: 8(1).
27. Schnitman P, DaSilva J, Wöhrle P, Wang H, Koch G. Influence of site on implant survival: seven year results. J Dent Res. March 1993:72(1664) (Special Issue).
28. Schnitman P, Wöhrle P, DaSilva J, Koch G. Model system for the evaluation of alternative implant designs: study design considerations. J Oral Implantol, September 1992.
29. Schnitman, P. Should prosthodontists perform their own implant surgery? Point/Counterpoint. The ACP Messenger 1992;22(2).
30. Schnitman P. The future of implantology. Dentistry Today 1992;11(1):46.
31. Schnitman P. Should there be a specialty of oral implantology? The International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 1992;7(2): 268-273.
32. Schnitman P. Implant success through the patient education process. Dentistry Today, December 1992;11(9):38-41.
33. Lind L, Mushlin P, Schnitman P. Monitored anesthesia care for dental implant surgery: effectiveness and complications. J Oral Implantol 1990;16(2):106-113.
34. Schnitman P. The current status of education in implant dentistry. Journal of the American Dental Association, September 1990;121(2).
35. Schnitman P. Dental implants: state of the art, state of the science. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 1990;6(4):528-5440.
36. Schnitman P, Ferracane J, Rosenstiel S. Challenges for technology transfer of implant dentistry: research and educational issues for the 1990s. J Oral Implantol, 1990;16(4):239-271.
37. Schnitman P, Wöhrle P, Rubenstein J. Immediate fixed interim prostheses supported by two-stage threaded implants: methodology and results. J Oral Implantol 1990;16(2):95-105.
38. Rubenstein J, Schnitman P, Jeffcoat M, Shulman L, Koch G. Implant vs. natural abutment mobility by periodontometry. J Dent Res. March 1989;68(A1563):377 (Special Issue).
39. Wöhrle P, Schnitman P, Rubenstein J, Jeffcoat M, Shulman L, Koch G. Longitunidal analysis of standardized probing around natural teeth and implants. J Dent Res. March 1989;68 (A1326):347 (Special Issue).
40. DaSilva J, Schnitman P, Rubenstein J, Jeffcoat M, Shulman L,Koch G. Implant vs. natural abutment mobility by periodontometry J Dent Res. June 1989;68(A360):911 Special Issue).
41. Schnitman P, Rubenstein, JE, Wöhrle P, DaSilva JD, Koch GG. Implants for partial edentulism. Journal of Dental Education 1989;52(12):725-736.
42. Schnitman P, Diagnosis Treatment Planning and Sequencing of Treatment with Osseointegrated Endosseous Dental Implants, 1988;AO.vol 80(scientific):32.
43. Schnitman P, Rubenstein JE, Jeffcoat MK, Bertolami CN, Koch GG, Shulman LB. Implant prostheses: blade vs cantilever - clinical trial. J Oral Implantol. 1986; 12(3):449-459.
44. Schnitman P. Dental implants. Harvard Medical School Health Letter. 1986;October.
45. Kim YS, Yanigisawa I, Rubenstein JE, Schnitman PA. Masticatory efficiency of blade implant supported bridges relative to cantilever bridges. J Dent Res June 1986; 65(A663):799 (Special issue).
46. Schnitman PA, Yang JH, Rubenstein JE, Garcia RI. Immunologic response of patients with endosseous blade implants. J Dent Res June 1986;65(A666):800 (Special issue).
47. Schnitman PA, Natiella JR, Young FA. Dental implants. In: Reese JA, Valega TM, editors. Restorative dental materials: an overview. London: Quintessence, 1985. p. 277-300. (A publication of Federations Dentaire)
48. Schnitman PA, Zhang X, Shulman LB, Koch G. Comparison of biting force between blade implants and cantilever bridges. J Dent Res 1983;62:292.
49. Schnitman PA, Shulman LB, editors. Dental implants: benefit and risk. Bethesda: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS publication no. 81-1531); 1980.
50. Schnitman PA, Shulman LB, Koch G. Research design, statistics, and general methodology for this Consensus Development Conference on Dental Implants. In: Schnitman PA, Shulman LB, editors. Dental implants: Benefit and Risk. Bethesda: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS publication no. 81-1531);1980. p.11-49.
51. Schnitman PA, Woolfson M, Feingold R, Gettleman L, Freedman H, Kalis P, Buchanan W, Shulman LB. Vitreous carbon implants: a five year study in baboons. J Prosthet Dent. 1980;44(2):190-200.
52.Woolfson MW, Foran JA, Freedman HM, Moore PA, Shulman LB, Schnitman PA. Immobilization of baboons using ketamine and diazepam. Lab Animal Sci. 1980;902-904.
53. Oliver S, Mendez-Villamil C, Evans C, Schnitman PA, Shulman LB. Change in position of vitreous carbon implants subjected to orthodontic forces. J Dent Res 1980; 59(A):280
54. Mendez-Villamil C, Oliver S, Evans C, Schnitman PA, Shulman LB. Periodontometric evaluation of mobility changes in stressed vitreous carbon implants. J Dent Res 1980;59(A):280.
55. Buchanan W, Szabo G, Shulman LB, Schnitman PA. A new method to examine ultrastructure of intact tissue-vitreous carbon interfaces. J Dent Res 1980;59(A):280.
56. Schnitman PA, Shulman LB. Recommendations of the consensus development conference on dental implants. J Am Dent Assoc. 1979;98(2):373-377.
57.Shulman LB, Schnitman PA. Bone maintenance: implant versus transplant. Biomater Med Devices Artif Organ. 1979;7(2):333-338.
58. Nathanson D, Gettleman L, Schnitman PA, Shklar G. Histologic response to porous PMMA implant materials. J Biomed Mater Res. 1978;12(1):13-33.
59. Gettleman L, Schnitman PA, Kalis P, Feingold RM, Nathanson D, Shklar GS, Woolfson M, Shulman LB. Clinical evaluation criteria of tooth implant success. J Oral Implantol. 1978;8(1):12-28.
60. Schnitman PA, Jeffcoat MK, Kaplan ML, Zimmerman RE, Davis MA, Goldhaber P. Radionuclide uptake in alveolar bone with dental implants in baboons. J Dent Res 1977; 56:B234 (Special Issue B).
61. Shulman LB, Schnitman PA, Feingold RM, Gettleman L, Hodosh M, Kalis PJ, Shklar G, Woolfson M. Influence of root design on implant acceptability in baboons. J Dent Res 1977;56:[nos.] (Special Issue A)
62. Schnitman PA, Shulman LB. Dental implants - their current status. J Mass Dent Soc. 1977;26(4):278-286
63. Batchelder K, Gettleman L, Schnitman PA. Photoelastic stress analysis of vitreous carbon dental implants. J Dent Res 1976;55:B198 (Special Issue B).
64. Shulman LB, Schnitman PA. Dental replacement with replants, transplants and implants. In: Hayward J, editor. Oral surgery. Springfield, Illinois: C.C. Thomas; 1976. p.330-354.
65. Schnitman PA, Feingold R, Gettleman L, Hodosh M, Kalis P, Shklar G, Woolfson M, Shulman LB. Anterior-posterior site comparison for polymer replica implants in baboons. J Dent Res. 1976;55: B197. (Special Issue B)
66. Barbanell RL, Schnitman PA. General attitude of students enrolled in dental specialty programs. J Dent Res 1975;54:140 (Special Issue).
67. Rabkin M, Cranin AN, Schnitman PA. Evaluation of the anterior mandibular transosteal implant. J Dent Res 1975;54:114. (Special Issue).
68. Gettleman L, Nathanson D, Schnitman PA, Hodosh M. Effect of curing procedures on polymer implant materials. J Dent Res 1975;54:113 (Special Issue).
69. Cranin AN, Schnitman PA, Rabkin M, Dennison T. Alumina and zirconia coated Vitallium oral implants in beagles. J Biomed Mater Res. 1975; 9(4):257-262.
70. Cranin AN, Dennison T, Schnitman PA, Piliero SJ, Pentel L. The endosteal oral implant: a statistical review. J Biomed Mater Res Symposium. 1974;8(4):385-390.
71. Cranin AN, Dennison T, Schnitman PA. The present status of oral endosteal implants. J Pros Dent 1973;30:609.
72. Cranin AN, Dennison T, Schnitman PA. The anchor oral endosteal implant. J Biomed Mater Res. 1973;7(3):235-249.
73. Piliero SJ, Schnitman PA, Pentel L, Cranin AN, Dennison T. Histopathology of endosteal metallic implants in dogs. J Dent Res. 1973;52:1117-1127.